Visitors come to see the King (Tides) | Big Tourism

January 12, 2023

King Tides Meet Citizen Science on the Oregon Coast!

Pack your bags and your camera because you’re about to become a citizen scientist. Visitors to the Oregon Coast are able to document the impacts of sea level rise during the highest winter tides each year; the King Tides. Listen in to Meg Reed, Coastal Policy Specialist with the Oregon Coastal Management Program as she discusses the program and partnering with unique organizations like the Oregon Coast Visitors Association to document our changing climate. 

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Arica Sears

Arica Sears is a fourth generation resident of a one stoplight town on the Oregon Coast. She was raised in the hand-me-down wetsuits, life jackets, and rubber boots of her two brothers and the waters of the Nestucca River. Her International Studies degree paved the way for her to research the effects of globalization in Peru on indigenous communities, count by-catch on the Ecuadorian coast, teach English in Spain & France, guide scuba diving in Mallorca, and document timber industry practices on the Oregon Coast. Arica currently works for the Oregon Coast Visitors Association as the Destination Management Coordinator for all 363 miles of Oregon coastline. She works with land management agencies, local businesses, nonprofits, government entities, and citizens to inspire travel and strengthen collaboration to create and steward a sustainable coastal economy.