RESCUE, part 17: Technology and the Ocean Pharmacopeia | World Ocean Radio

May 21, 2023

Unraveling the mysteries of underwater remedies.

This week the multi-part RESCUE series continues with an examination of familiar products derived from the ocean that we use to support our ways of life, our well-being and our health: from vitamins and supplements to pain and cancer treatments. And we discuss the future of exploration and exploitation of resources as the bio-prospecting rush heats up. How are we regulating extraction from the ocean and seafloor? Who owns the proprietary rights to marine resources, and what criteria are applied to protect biodiversity, ocean ecosystems and future resource potential to revolutionize medicine and treat disease?

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Peter Neill

Peter Neill is an author and an editor on environmental and ocean issues, and the founding Director of the World Ocean Observatory, a web-based place for education and information exchange on the health of the ocean. Previously President of the South Street Seaport Museum from 1985-2005, he was tenured as a research associate at the Climate Change Institute, University of Maine in 2015. Neill lives in Sedgwick, Maine, with his wife Mary Barnes, who is an artist and President of the Blue Hill Heritage Trust.