Jane Jacobs: Protecting Water Access and Indigenous Food Sovereignty through Seedkeeping and Community Mobilization | Sea Change

June 2, 2023

Dive into the heart of activism with Jane Jacobs!

This episode featuring Jane Jacobs  is a must-listen. During this conversation, Jane and Jenna discuss what lives at the heart of their activism, their experiences, and so much more. Jane is a true warrior spirit and she is a force to be reckoned with. As a member of Tuscarora Nation, Jane is dedicated to protecting our precious natural resources and advocating for justice. She is a water protector, leader, and environmental and human rights activist. She is the founder of Eastern Woodland Protectors and a board member of the NC 17 Rivers American Indian Movement as well as a board member of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women North Carolina. She fights for the continuation of life for the next seven generations and to hold the corporations that are damaging the Earth accountable. She also is a spiritual healer who is working to uplift humanity for the collective survival of our next seven generations.

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Jenna Valente

A passion for conservation and appreciation for the natural world was engrained in Jenna at a young age. Her father was in the Coast Guard. This meant she always had the fortune of living near the ocean, including Hawaii, Washington State, and Maine. Both of her parents encouraged her to spend the majority of her time outside. As a result, she finds that she is most comfortable barefoot and exploring the coast, countryside, or mountains. Her favorite thing about the ocean is the sheer power of it all. Jenna joined the American Littoral Society as the Healthy Oceans Coalition Coordinator from the Chesapeake Research Consortium where she was a member of the communications staff and focused on building the brand of the program and ensure the health of the Chesapeake Bay. Jenna completed her Executive Master of Natural Resources from Virginia Tech in 2015 and also has her Bachelors in Communication and Journalism from the University of Maine.