How might COVID-19 change us? Dan Martin, Peter Ravella & Tyler Look Ahead | Friday Happy Hour

October 4, 2020

Speculation and conjecture? Sure. It's what we all do

On this episode of Friday Happy Hour, Dan Martin, Peter Ravella, and Tyler Buckingham have a virtual happy hour and talk about how things might change during and after the COVID-19 era. Has the beach brand changed? Will our relationship with teleworking change our relationship with the coast? Can we derive take-aways from society's response to COVID-19 and apply them to climate adaptation? Pour yourself a beverage of choice and consider the wide ranging ways that COVID-19 might be changing our society and our coasts.

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R. Tyler Buckingham

R. Tyler Buckingham is the Director of Content and Production for Coastal News Today and ASPN. Before launching CNT/ASPN, Tyler worked with Peter A. Ravella Consulting, where he created coastal funding solutions for beach communities. Previously, Tyler worked at Rooftop Comedy where he served as the video and sound editor. In 2013, Tyler worked with Ken Burns' documentary film production company, Florentine Films, where he worked on projects including The Roosevelts: An Intimate Story; I Can't Stop Loving You, a documentary about country music; The Address, a documentary about the recital of the Gettysburg address on its 150th Anniversary; and Vietnam. Tyler also worked on the Ken Burns mobile app, which was released to critical acclaim in 2014. From 2009 to 2012, he was a monitoring and evaluation consultant in the field of international economic development with the U.S. Trade & Development Agency. Originally from Ojai, California, Tyler grew up going to the beaches of Southern California and credits time spent in the tide pools with inspiring an early interest in marine biology and coastal systems. Tyler is the co-host of the American Shoreline Podcast and the host of the Beach Shack Podcast on coastal real estate.