The Water Walker: The Life and Inspiration of Josephine Mandamin | North Coast Chronicles

January 18, 2023

Honoring Grandmother Josephine and the sacred waters!

The December episode of North Coast Chronicles: Tales from the Great Lakes podcast honors the sacred water in this episode "The Water Walker: The Life and Inspiration of Josephine Mandamin" with Ms. Siobhan Marks, a narrator of the extraordinary life and legacy of Grandmother Josephine. Josephine Mandamin was an Anishinaabe First Nations grandmother, elder and founding member of the water protectors movement who was born on Manatoulin Island and lived with her husband and children in Thunder Bay, Ontario. At the age of 61, she was inspired to bring attention to the the condition of the sacred waters by walking around the Great Lakes.  Between 2003 and 2017, it is estimated she walked 17,000 miles and inspired a tradition around the world.  In the Anishinaabe, water or Nibi, is associated with Mother Earth and it is the responsibility of grandmothers to lead other women in praying for and protecting the water.  Ms. Marks honors listeners by singing the "Nibi (Water) Song." Ne-be Gee Zah-gay-e-goo Gee Me-gwetch-wayn ne-me-goo Gee Zah Wayn ne-me-goo.

This episode of North Coast Chronicles of brought to you by Lake Express. Since 2004, the Lake Express has provided a time saving shortcut across Lake Michigan between Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Muskegon, Michigan.  Connecting highways on both sides and providing stress free relief from the hassles and stress of driving through Chicago. Offering modern comfort and amenities and spectacular Great Lake views, travelers both save time and enjoy a one-of-a kind experience as they cross between the beaches and coastal charm of West Michigan and the friendly big city of Milwaukee. Our drive on, drive off car deck ensures that you’re on your way as soon as your arrive, saving you even more time to enjoy your destination.
Show Transcription
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Helen Brohl

Helen Brohl is a Great Lakes gal, having grown up on the south shore of Lake Erie and a lifetime of summers on Middle Bass Island. Helen understands the Great Lakes as a valuable resource with a Master's Degree from The Ohio State University in Great Lakes Land and Water Use Policy and as an economic engine for the nation with almost 40 years of experience in maritime transportation and trade development. Helen previously worked as professional staff on the U.S. Congressional House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, with NOAA's Office of Coast Management, did trade development for the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, was the Director of Marketing for the Port of Chicago, the Executive Director of the U.S. Great Lakes Shipping Association, and retired in January 2023 after almost 17 years as the Executive Director of the U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System in Washington, DC. Follow along as Helen shares the nature, folk lore, and charm of the Great Lakes!