Small But Mighty: The Crucial Roles of Small Island Developing States in the Ocean Decade | Ocean Decade Show!

June 8, 2023

Small islands, big waves: ocean's fate!

For this World Ocean Month (and 30th overall!) episode, we have two guests on The Ocean Decade Show podcast - Anama Solofa - Lead Negotiator on Oceans, for the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) and Angelique Pouponneau, a Seychellois lawyer and environmentalist and a board member on the Decade Advisory Board. We cover an ocean-months' range of topics in a single episode, all centered around Small Island Developing States (SIDS). From the impact of decades of plastic pollution to SIDS role in defining the Blue Economy, Anama and Angelique take us on a journey through the past, present, and future role of small island and low-lying coastal developing states in international climate change discussions, sustainable development negotiations and processes, and the Ocean Decade itself.

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Taylor Goelz

"Taylor Goelz is a marine social scientist and collaborative policy wonk who has spent the last year helping the United States prepare for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). Her background and expertise spans the realm of marine resources management, from participatory decision making processes for oyster management to finance mechanisms for coastal resilience. She's passionate about finding unique approaches and solutions to common problems, creating novel partnerships, and gluten free chocolate cake - not necessarily in any particular order."