Introducing "North Coast Chronicles: Tales from the Great Lakes" with Helen Brohl

June 8, 2021

Welcome the ASPN Helen!

On this episode, Peter Ravella and Tyler Buckingham welcome Helen Brohl to the show to talk about her new show coming out on ASPN later this month, "North Coast Chronicles: Tales from the North Coast." Carved 14,000 years ago, the Great Lakes are the freshwater seas of America's North Coast. Over 1200 miles from the mouth of the entrance to the St. Lawrence River to Duluth, Minnesota, they offer diverse ecology, flora, fauna, fish ~ and human experiences. On her new show, Helen will explore all of these elements of the Great Lakes with experts and local characters, bringing the North Coast to life. Helen was appointed as the first Executive Director of the US Committee on the Marine Transportation System in July 2006 by Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta. As a career Senior Executive, Ms. Brohl manages the CMTS partnership, that joins over 25 Federal agencies to address our Nation’s waterways, ports and intermodal connections. Working with senior political, military and civilian leaders, Ms. Brohl directs development of interagency policy coordination related to Federal infrastructure investment; system performance measures; navigation technology integration and coordination; and system resilience. She's a pro! But, Helen's show is about the culture, history and people of the Great Lakes region. Smart people, great characters. I am looking forward to this addition. Welcome to ASPM, Helen!

Show Transcription
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Peter Ravella & Tyler Buckingham

Peter and Tyler joined forces in 2015 and from the first meeting began discussing a project that would become Coastal News Today and the American Shoreline Podcast Network. At the time, Peter and Tyler were coastal consultants for Pete’s firm, PAR Consulting, LLC. In that role, they worked with coastal communities in Texas, Florida, and North Carolina, engaged in grant writing, coastal project development, shoreline erosion and land use planning, permitting, and financial planning for communities undertaking big beach restoration projects. Between and among their consulting tasks, they kept talking and kept building the idea of CNT & ASPN. In almost every arena they worked, public engagement played a central role. They spent thousands of hours talking with coastal stakeholders, like business owners, hotel operators, condo managers, watermen, property owners, enviros, surfers, and fishermen. They dived deep into the value, meaning, and responsibility for the American shoreline, segment-by-segment. Common threads emerged, themes were revealed, differences uncovered. There was a big conversation going on along the American shoreline! But, no place to have it. That's where CNT and ASPN were born.