The Ancient Giants of the Great Lakes: North Coast Chronicles Rocks the Sturgeon

June 22, 2023

Unveiling the prehistoric secret of Great Lakes

The Lake Sturgeon - ACIPENSER FULVESCENS - also known as the rock sturgeon is the oldest and largest native species in the Great Lakes.  This month, North Coast Chronicles Rocks the Sturgeon to learn about this endangered prehistoric creature!  The alpha and omega of lake sturgeon is shared by two amazing guests:  Dr. Matt Cross, Director of Vertebrate Conservation, with the Toledo Zoo manages a cooperative sturgeon hatching and release program. Ms. Mary Paulson is with Sturgeon for Tomorrow in North Michigan; a guardian program which has successfully halted the  rampant poaching of sturgeon for their valuable eggs during Spring spawning season. Join us to hear from these conservation heroes of the Great Lakes.  

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Helen Brohl

Helen Brohl is a Great Lakes gal, having grown up on the south shore of Lake Erie and a lifetime of summers on Middle Bass Island. Helen understands the Great Lakes as a valuable resource with a Master's Degree from The Ohio State University in Great Lakes Land and Water Use Policy and as an economic engine for the nation with almost 40 years of experience in maritime transportation and trade development. Helen previously worked as professional staff on the U.S. Congressional House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, with NOAA's Office of Coast Management, did trade development for the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, was the Director of Marketing for the Port of Chicago, the Executive Director of the U.S. Great Lakes Shipping Association, and retired in January 2023 after almost 17 years as the Executive Director of the U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System in Washington, DC. Follow along as Helen shares the nature, folk lore, and charm of the Great Lakes!